DD Security is a licensed private security company based in Kathmandu established in 2012. We have been able to secure all the required security clearance and office facility to run a private security company in Nepal. We provide international standard security services and training, with the vision to be exceptionally dependable, proficient and commendable security company in Nepal and to bolster the government security framework as a whole.

DD Security is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. We have given training to over 40,000 plus security personnel in Nepal with national and international course standards.  We are Proficient & Hi-Tech training Institution in Nepal.

We have a team of highly qualified, proficient, energetic, expert and experienced group who hold national and international security systems expertise and experience.

Our vision is to be exceptionally dependable, proficient and commendable security company in Nepal and to bolster the government security framework as a whole.

- To supply highest quality of security solutions and prepare the force to tackle all sorts of challenges.
- To create and supply competent and proficient security work force agreeing to National and Worldwide Standards. 
- To utilize the modern innovation in security systems. 
- To maintain core values (Discipline  & Devotion during peace time and DO or Die in an emergency situations) of the company.