Dharan Megha Himalayan School is a private educational institution in Dharan, Nepal. We have been working in Dharan's education sector since 2061 BS. Our main goal is to provide the best quality education for our students. We focus on practical education as well as theoretical education. Similarly, we provide the best education at a reasonable fee structure.
Dharan Megha Himalayan School have the best skilful & experienced teachers. We offer proper learning & teaching environment for the students. Megha Himalayan also operates college & university classes.
-Plus Two Business Management
- Plus Two Science
-Hotel Management (+2, Bachlor)
-Experienced Teachers
-Sophisticated Building With AC
-Computer Lab, AC Science Lab
-Multimedai-Based Classes
-Montessori Based Teaching Methodology
-Regular Coaching Classes
-Library, Cafeteria, Playground, transportation, ECA